we survived the first 6 weeks!
/We did it! We survived six whole weeks of keeping a tiny human alive. We survived visitors and Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's. We've made it through growth spurts and round-the-clock feedings. We've laughed our way through the worst of diaper changes. And by some small miracle, I've managed to get a shower every. single. day. #winning
Maybe it seems a little crazy coming from someone still stuck in the thick of the exhausting newborn days, but being a mom really is the best. Cliche as it may be, you just don't know how you could possibly love someone so achingly and incredibly much... until you do. The love and pride I have for little Miles is unlike any other feeling, and nothing compares to having him look right at you with eyes of pure adoration. Most days, I don't worry about the lack of sleep or that my house is a mess, but that there's no way I can possibly soak up enough of his baby-ness in my memory to last me a lifetime. (Also note that this is why people have second kids even after going through pregnancy and labor - turns out babies are cute and addictive little creatures.)
He really does change every day. He literally outgrew his newborn outfits overnight (cue the tears!), loves the stroller and car rides, smiles at mommy and daddy talking to him, loves looking at the artwork on our walls that have a lot of contrast, and makes the funniest faces both awake and asleep. As of his one month well baby visit, he's still under the 35th percentile for height and weight, but his head circumference is in the 75th percentile! That has to be a sign of higher intelligence :)
Here are some photos that I took around his one month birthday:
Josh actually gets the photo credit for this one. Look at that sweet little milk-drunk smile :)
This little guy LOVES his changing table. He's almost always calm when he's laying there after getting a fresh diaper.
We love you SO much, little man! Can't wait for all the fun that the next six weeks with you holds!