life lately: an update from germany
/Whew! It's been over two months since I last posted, and the time just slipped away. Since January, we've returned to Germany (following a fiasco in which I discovered my passport was nowhere to be found less than 24 hours before our scheduled departure), survived and (I think) made it to the other side of the four month sleep regression, and soaked up lots of fun times in our foreign home with our ever growing boy. He's now actively playing with his toys, loves to sit and stand up (assisted, of course), is *so close* to rolling from back to belly, cackles when mommy tickles him or gets his toes, is happiest in the bath, is a trooper on long walks about town in his stroller or ErgoBaby carrier, and smiles so big every day when daddy gets home from work :) Basically, he's the best.
Here are a few iPhone photos of the past couple of months:
Miles's 1st plane ride - he handled international travel like a trooper!
Love these sweet baby snuggles so much.
So many beautiful, sunny days in Aachen! Unfortunately, we're back to cold and rainy for the time being.
Is that not the cutest little tiger you've ever seen?!
The Easter bunny brought Miles a Sophie la Girafe teething toy and his first German books, and Mommy and Daddy hosted a yummy brunch for friends!
This past weekend, we took a day trip to Monschau where we visited their Historic Mustard Mill, picked up some delicious coffee from a local rosterie, and wandered about this adorable little town.
This face cracks me up... this kid definitely has personality :)
This is what we were choosing to do instead of sleep last night. Baby squeals :)
To see more photos of our Glessner family adventures, follow me on Instagram.