a day trip to bastogne, belgium

While my dad was visiting a few weeks ago, we decided to take a day trip to Bastogne. It's under two hours from where we live and is a beautiful drive through rolling hills and little towns. In case you're not familiar, the siege of Bastogne was a major turning point in the Battle of the Bulge during World War II. I knew a bit about it from the series Band of Brothers - if you haven't watched it, I highly recommend you do so immediately. If you have Amazon Prime, you can watch for free using Prime Video (...and if you don't have it, you should - you can try it out and watch the series here with a free 30 day trial)! 

And in case you didn't already know this about me, I am utterly fascinated by war history - especially WWII. I wouldn't call myself a history buff per se, but I'm always intrigued by the individual stories and perspectives. Perhaps it's because of the little bit I know about my granddaddy's time in the Marines or maybe it's simply because the stories and the ways these events have shaped the world we live in today are fascinating, but I'm a sucker for it.

Outside view of the Bastogne War Museum.

Outside view of the Bastogne War Museum.

We started at the Bastogne War Museum, tucked in the quiet Belgian countryside just outside of the city. The museum was beautifully laid out and included a great deal of information and artifacts along with a well done audio tour chronicling the perspectives of an American soldier, a German soldier, a member of the resistance movement, and a young Belgian boy.

It began with timelines of World War I, Hitler's rise to power, and Belgium's role in the wars.

American soldiers in vehicles like these pulled children inside for rides and shared treats such as bubblegum with them.

The preserved newspapers updating Americans stateside of the goings on were especially interesting.

Outside the museum is the Mardasson Memorial, completed in 1950 and dedicated to the American soldiers who fought and sacrificed in the Battle of the Bulge.

When we left the museum, we took a backroad and stumbled across a memorial honoring 'E' Company of the 101st Airborne division, who defended Bastogne from foxholes in the very woods behind this monument.

The city of Bastogne and the surrounding countryside are filled with monuments, flags, and war memorabilia recognizing the U.S. troops and the sacrifice they made to protect the people of Bastogne.

It was truly a humbling experience to visit this place, and if you're ever close enough to the area to make a day trip, I highly recommend it. It's so easy to forget that the increasingly distant history was once a present reality and seeing a place like this up close and personal is a great reminder of that.

summer visitors

We've finally reached the end of our month chock full o' visitors, and boy, was it a good time. It started with my college friends Megan and Claire visiting for a week with their significant others. We rented a "van" (I use that term loosely - it was basically a glorified hatchback that was far too small for 6.5 people) and travelled to Maastricht...

...took our second trip to Amsterdam (you can see a recap of the first one here), where we ate pancakes (a must!), visited Rembrandt's House and the Rijksmuseum, tried Indonesian food, took a canal cruise, and finally toured the Anne Frank House...

...and took a day trip to Burg Eltz - our first visit to a German castle! ...

...before they headed back to the good old U.S.A. One week simply wasn't long enough.

Next up were our pals Jas and Jennie from the U.K. We visited them in London last summer, and they came to Aachen the first weekend of this month. We partook of wine fest, endured the scorching heat, and enjoyed some good food and even better company, before they boarded the train to spend time in Bruges.

Last but not least was my dad's visit. This was super exciting because, a. he's my dad and 2. it was his first trip to Europe. It was so much fun showing him around. 

We also took him to Maastricht...

Then, I got brave and kept the car for a couple of days and drove on the Autobahn (my first time without following Josh). Things I learned: I have the need for speed; a highway is a highway pretty much anywhere you go; people in Germany are MUCH better drivers than in America (they actually use the left lane only for passing... WHAT A NOVEL IDEA!)

Driving through wine country en route to Koblenz.

Driving through wine country en route to Koblenz.

We drove to Koblenz to meet up with my dad's friend John, from our hometown of Laurel, Mississippi, as he's currently stationed in Germany as a chaplain in the military. We enjoyed a nice leisurely lunch and a walk along the river...

The next day, we went to Monschau, where we walked about the town, partook of a delicious lunch, and picked up some more of their infamous mustard.

Josh took off from work on Thursday, and we took a trip to Bastogne, Belgium. I'll do an entire post on this one since I actually took a decent camera with me and got lots of photos. For now, I'll just say that it was an incredible experience. Hubs got this great shot of the U.S. memorial...

And on dad's last day in town, we hung out in Aachen, lingered over a delicious breakfast spread, and took Miles on his first trip to a zoo. His favorites seemed to be the goats, ducks, and the ostrich!

Aachener Cafe is one of our favorites for breakfast and a great cup of coffee.

Aachener Cafe is one of our favorites for breakfast and a great cup of coffee.

Dad and I on his last day.

Dad and I on his last day.

We're so thankful to have friends and family that are willing to travel far and wide to join us on our adventures! We don't have any more visitors planned until the beginning of next year, so we'll be exploring on our own over the next few weeks before we return to Nashville and High Point for Thanksgiving!